Space Trash Poetry

by Aneka B

Books, ​Collections ​& Projects

Poetry collections

Short Story

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About me

I mostly write poetry. But I also dabble in fiction. I have published three separate poetry ​collections over a time span of 15 years, which played a great role in my approach to processing ​trauma, depression, loss, and life-changing events throughout the years such as the birth of my ​daughter, interpersonal conflict, financial instability, mental illness, and the nagging search for ​connection in a world that is difficult to navigate for neurodivergent people.

In terms of writing literary fiction, I am interested in exploring new avenues of interpersonal and ​social interaction, coexistence and intimacy as well as illuminating the affectual experience of ​otherness. I am currently finishing a novel which is almost ready to be sent to publishers. I have ​finished poetry collections lying around the house which have not yet found their way into ​publishing houses, as most of my time is consumed by career-, work- and family life.

My creative work has really received the largest amount of neglect in the last 10 years, as I lack the time and energy to put into my ​creative endeavors. I am currently trying to build a more reasonable and healthy schedule which allows me to immerse myself in my ​creative work. I write poems basically every day, and either I keep them hidden in my notes on my phone, or I share them with friends and ​family.